Tuesday, February 22, 2011

You will ALWAYS be my Little Girl!

Me with my Mom and Brother!

I need to remember that when I'm dealing with my mother that I will always be her little girl.  Not feeling comfortable about her disapproval about my upcoming living arrangements I forced myself to talk with her.

It's strange how at 47 I'm still afraid of my mother!  In any case, it wasn't what I was doing it was HOW I was doing it which upset her.

I showed a lack of respect by not sitting down with her to discuss with her my decision to move out and live with David.  Apparently the little conversations here and there don't count because we didn't sit down and actually discuss details.

So, after apologizing and telling her how I totally understand how I disrespected her and how sorry I was, we ended up with Morgan getting to take her own bedroom furniture (which her Halmuni bought for her) and with me back on speaking terms with her.

She is more concerned about Morgan and how she will handle it.  We discussed Charlie (my chi) and Zody (Morgan's possible birthday gift). 

I am very happy now.  Whew!   My mommy still loves me.  LOL!



1 comment:

Robert said...

Welcome to the bloggers world